
Friday, October 22, 2010

Friday Fun Component I

In the past i was traveling a lot and saw a lot of semiconductor cleanrooms, well in all of these cleanrooms you will find production tools that have this little signal towers on top to visualize the current state of the tool.
This is needed to give the operators always the chance to check the state of the tools with one view so they don't have to go to every tool and check it manualy.
I was always fascinated by these little signal towers and i like the idea to have something visual to present the state of a multimillion dollar tool.

To get a impression...

One of our tools was also selected to get one of this signal towers and we choosed a very stylish one of company named WERMA which is located in Germany. The signal tower we choose was the deSIGN42 which also won a red dot award. 

That's what the original looks like...
It really looks beautyfull and i always wanted to create a java component that looks like this.

Well...what should i say...i did it and that's what it looks like...

I really love it...

It's a standard java swing component and of course it's fully scalable and painted in pure Java Swing...

There's nothing special with this component, you just can set the three lights to on or off and that's it.

So if you like it, please find the source and the binary here:


    Binary: SignalTower.jar

Unfortunately i had not much time to test it everywhere but i took the screenshots above from a little Netbeans program and it worked.

So enjoy your weekend...

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