
Friday, November 4, 2011

Friday Fun Component XII

Due to some training sessions that i have to do this week and next week i'll only release a very small blogpost about another fun component that i created for Dierk König of Canoo. It's all about a light bulb...which looks like this...

Well it's nothing special but might be useful for the one or other visualization. 

The component has the following properties:

  • direction   (SwingUtilities.NORTH(default), EAST, SOUTH, WEST)
  • glowColor (java.awt.Color)
  • alpha       (float 0.0f...1.0f)
  • on           (boolean)

I created a little demo app that let you play with some of these parameters.

And as always the source and the binary jar:

Source (NetBeans project):
Binary jar:                           LightBulb.jar

Like i's a short post, so keep coding...

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