
Sunday, July 22, 2018

Rolling Gradient


Last week I've stumbled upon an old blogpost from 2011 where I implemented an animated progressbar in Java Swing. At that time I was fascinated by the animated progressbar in OS X.
And when I saw the animated gradient I thought by myself why not do that in JavaFX???
In Swing we have immediate mode rendering which makes these kind of animated gradients easy because you do the whole rendering on your own. In JavaFX where we have retained mode rendering (so the rendering is managed by JavaFX) you have to find a way to update the gradient fill for a node for each animation step.
My approach is as follows, the RollingGradient uses an AnimationTimer to calculate the gradient and on each modification it fires an UpdateEvent which can be used to fill a shape with the gradient. The gradient is part of the event.
If you simply would like to fill a JavaFX shape you can also set the shape in the RollingGradient and it will be filled from there.

So you could either use the event as follows:

Rectangle       rectangle = new Rectangle(200, 20);
RollingGradient gradient  = RollingGradientBuilder.create()
                                                  .firstColor(Color.rgb(250, 0, 0))
                                                  .secondColor(Color.rgb(180, 0, 0))
                                                  .onUpdateEvent(e -> rectangle.setFill(e.getGradient()))

Or you can set the shape in the RollingGradient and let it do the fill as follows:

Rectangle       rectangle = new Rectangle(200, 20);
RollingGradient gradient  = RollingGradientBuilder.create()
                                                  .firstColor(Color.rgb(250, 0, 0))
                                                  .secondColor(Color.rgb(180, 0, 0))

Both approaches will lead to the following output:

As you can see from the code there are some properties you can use to modify the gradient:

  • firstColor (set first color of gradient)
  • endColor (set second color of gradient)
  • smoothGradient
  • direction (rolling to left or right)
  • interval (defines the time in nanoseconds for the animation speed)
  • shape (a given shape that will be filled with the gradient)
  • period (defines the width for one color change)
  • start (when called will start the rolling gradient)

In the next example I've changed some parameters to give you an idea of what you can do:

Rectangle       rectangle = new Rectangle(200, 20);
RollingGradient gradient  = RollingGradientBuilder.create()
                                                  .firstColor(Color.rgb(88, 154, 227))
                                                  .secondColor(Color.rgb(50, 130, 222))

With this settings the gradient will look like follows:

And because images are boring I've recorded a short video for you that shows the rolling gradient in action...

Well that's it for today and as always you can find the source code on github.

So keep coding...

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