Friday, May 6, 2011

Grinded steel plate effect

On my way back from the JAX conference in Mainz last tuesday i saw a stainless steel plate on the train that looked like on this image here. In german this treatment of metal has the name "Zapfenschliff" and is used to give the metal a nice design and a more robust surface.
Taking a closer look to the plate it reminds me on the conical gradient that i created a while ago and in fact it's just a simple pattern made out of many conical gradients.
Well you know me...i have to reproduce it in swing and voila here's a little tutorial on how i realized it. So the principle approach is to create a texture and use this texture to fill some shape with it.
Now you could argue that i simply could take an exsting texture and use it to fill the shape but i like to create the stuff completely in 100% pure Java right...

So first of all we need to create a conical gradient like the following:

And here is the code you need to create a gradient like this...

double diameter = 50;
Ellipse2D circle = new Ellipse2D.Double(0, 0, diameter, diameter);
Point2D center = new Point2D.Double(circle.getCenterX(), circle.getCenterY());
float[] fractions =  

Color[] colors = 
    new Color(0xFDFDFD),
    new Color(0xFDFDFD),
    new Color(0xB2B2B4),
    new Color(0xACACAE),
    new Color(0xFDFDFD),
    new Color(0x6E6E70),
    new Color(0x6E6E70),
    new Color(0xFDFDFD),
    new Color(0x6E6E70),
    new Color(0x6E6E70),
    new Color(0xFDFDFD),
    new Color(0xACACAE),
    new Color(0xB2B2B4),
    new Color(0xFDFDFD),
    new Color(0xFDFDFD) 
ConicalGradientPaint gradient = new ConicalGradientPaint(false, center, -0.45f, fractions, colors);

After this we need to create a texture that contains a repeatable pattern of the conical gradient. I created a little drawing to make it easier to understand...

The texture (which will be represented by a BufferedImage object) should be a square rectangle with the given SIZE. In this case i used 2x the diameter of the conical gradient. As you can see we need 13 circles that have to be placed in a pattern where we place 3 circles in the first row, 2 circles in the second row, 3 circles in the third row and so on. The stepsize in x- and y-direction is half the size of the diameter and we start on the upper left corner at x=-stepsize, y=-stepsize.
Here is the code for the creation of the texture...

int amount = 3;
double stepsize = diameter / 2.0;
G2.translate(-stepsize, -stepsize);
AffineTransform oldTransform = G2.getTransform();
for (int y = 0 ; y < 5 ; y++)
    if (y%2 == 0)
        amount = 3;
        G2.translate(0, stepsize * y);
        amount = 2;
        G2.translate(stepsize, stepsize * y);
    for (int x = 0 ; x < amount ; x++)
        G2.translate(diameter, 0);                

After we have create the BufferedImage object we can use it as a texture in the java.awt.TexturePaint class to fill a shape. And the result could look like this...

On this image we filled a square with four textures but the image was created in Adobe Fireworks, the Java Swing version would look like this...

Fun isn't it ? Well the only problem with this texture is that it looks too perfect right but this is something i'll leave to you...   :-)

As always you will find the sourcecode for this little fun project as a Netbeans project...

Enjoy your weekend and keep coding...just for the fun of it...


  1. Hallo!

    I'm sorry, but in line 3 - "Point2D center = new jPoint2D.Double(circle.getCenterX(), circle.getCenterY());"
    isn't it should be => "Point2D.Double(circle.getCenterX(), circle.getCenterY());" without 'j' Hm? :)

  2. Hmmm...which typo...? Can't see it (anymore) ;-)
