Thursday, January 19, 2017

Customize your dashboard


This is just a short post about the TilesFX library (github, bintray, maven) in combination with other libraries like 

The TilesFX standard tiles are nice and might be good for most of the typical dashboard content but what if you need more than that?
Let's say you would like to see a listview or one of your custom controls on such tile...
Well for that reason I've added the CustomTileSkin which has the title and the text property of the standard tiles and which comes with an area where you can put your own JavaFX nodes.
So this is what it looks like...

As you can see the area for custom JavaFX nodes fills most of the tile so that you should have enough space for your components. If you setTextVisible(false) the area will even grow a bit more in y-direction.
To give you an idea on how to use other controls within TilesFX I've created a little demo project which you can find on github at

If you would like to start the demo from the command line you simple can call gradle Demo on the shell as follows:

This will start the Main class of the project and will show you the following screen...

In this demo you will see nearly all of the standard tiles in TilesFX (except the WeatherTileSkin) and in addition there is also one tile that simply uses an icon from the Ikonli library, nine tiles that shows some gauges from my Medusa library and three regulators from my Regulators library.

The Tile class in TilesFX defines some colors that fit nicely to the standard tiles, so you can choose between GRAY, RED, GREEN, BLUE, ORANGE, YELLOW_ORANGE, YELLOW and MAGENTA. In addition also the standard FOREGROUND and BACKGROUND color are available in the Tile class. As you can see in the image above I made use of the Tile.BLUE color for all the Medusa gauges.

I hope this demo will help you to make use of TilesFX for your own dashboards.

That's it for keep coding... :)

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